To have a good health, you need many different types of minerals and vitamins in addition to the 3 main nutrient elements. Inspite of a loose abdominal muscles can be the result of genetics, age and lack of exercise, but a common definite cause is diet. Eating a lot of refined grains, fatty foods or sugary foods supplies your body with only calories, but these foods also tend to lack nutrients like protein and fiber that help fill you up, so even though you consume plenty of calories, you're still hungry and you end up overeating. You can do nothing about age and genetics, but you can fight belly fat by regulate certain foods from your diet and getting as essential a regular exercise.
1. Fast Food
French fries, potato chips and fried chicken might taste delicious, but they are the main and may be the only cause of a big belly. Fat provides 9 calories per gram, which is twice the amount of protein or carbohydrates '4 calories/gram'. If you eat a lot of fatty fried foods, you're bound to take in too many calories, which is what leads to weight gain. Your genetics may predispose you to gaining weight from eating fried foods. Researchers found that the higher a participant's genetic risk for obesity, the higher his risk for gaining weight from eating fried foods.
2. Refined Grains
The bran and germ are the most valuable components of the grains after they are stripped of their outer layers, leaving behind only the starchy component. But the bran and germ contain most of the grain's beneficial nutrients, including fiber, which helps slow digestion. Fast-digesting food immediately turns to sugar in the body. As a result, your blood sugar levels rise quickly and then falls down, leaving you feeling fatigued and with bad mood. Eating lots of refined grains prohibits weight loss because the lack of fiber makes them less satiating and easier to eat to excess.
Any food or drinks with added sugar is likely to digest very quickly and spike your blood sugar. Cake, candy and even some foods you wouldn't think were high in sugar, like canned fruit and cereal bars, are sugar bombs, often providing more calories per gram than beneficial nutrients. Sugary beverages are another culprit. Consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages may be a key factor in the obesity epidemic.
What You Can Do
Fight your expanding belly by eating a healthy diet and getting plenty of exercise. Instead of fried, sugary and refined-grain foods, choose whole, fresh foods like fruits and vegetables; brown rice and quinoa; and lean meats and fish that are baked, steamed or grilled. Drink water or unsweetened tea instead of soda or other sugary beverages, and indulge in sweet treats only occasionally. Increase physical activity to at least 30 minutes most days of the week, and start a strength-training program two or three days a week targeting all your major muscle groups.
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