Stress And Body Weight (1)

Effects of  STRESS 'especially chronic stress' on health contributes to endless problems to  your body in losing weight

How To stop stress and stop accumulating body fat.

Shortly you'll discover some practical advises for releasing anxiety and stress management tips that you can apply immediately to release bottled up stress and stop accumulating body fat - especially Belly fat.

You develop a high stress levels due to Simply being alive and functioning, Whether you like it or not, stress is everywhere, it affects your body and mind more than you’ve ever imagined, stress has become a way of life for most of us.
The harmful effects of stress on our health develop symptoms such as increased belly fat. that let anxiety and stress management techniques are in such great demand

The 2 Week Diet

Yes, prolonged stress affect health and - one of them - your body weight.

As you are like the majority of people, you too get stressed every day from, traffic jams, or annoying noise, frustrating bosses, irritating colleagues that are guaranteed to set your blood pressure very high and alarms start ringing.

Physiological effects of stress on health, especially the long term  one  are disastrous. Simply your nervous system is hard-wired to cope with any kind of threat by releasing instantly adrenaline and cortisol in your blood stream, to get your body "ready" for whatever emergency action might be necessary to protect you from the perceived harm.